Torsten Liem - Epimofosis
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Torsten Liem

Torsten Liem MSc(Ost), MSc(PaedOst), DO, DPO, GOsC(GB)


Torsten Liem:

Past Principal of the Osteopathie Schule Deutschland (1999-2019), practicing osteopath, head of the teaching clinic in Hamburg, international lecturer; He developped several osteopathic BSc and MSc programmes in Germany and Europe as well as psychosomatic Osteopathy as many approaches as multimodal bifocal integration©, etc.

He is the author and editor of 17 books (translated in more than 10 languages) and has written more than 60 articles. Torsten Liem is co-organizer of the international osteopathy symposia in Berlin; founder of an osteopathic teaching clinic and of the charitably financed centre for paediatric osteopathy in Hamburg as well as head of the Osteopathic Research Institute gGmbH.
He developed also a unique approaches in Osteopathy, e.g. Psychosomatic Osteopathy and Morphodynamics in Osteopathy.
Board member of the European Society of Pediatric Osteopathy; Torsten Liem is also co-founder and co-editor of the journal Osteopathische Medizin (Elsevier), member of the Advisory Board of the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, and co-founder of Breathe Yoga.

Some of his books:

Liem T. Craniosacral Osteopathy, Elsevier, London, 2004.
Liem T. Cranial Osteopathy – A Practical Textbook; Eastlandpress, Vista, 2009.
Liem T, Tozzi P, Chila A: Fascia in the Osteopathic Field. Handspring; 2017                       
Liem T, Van den Heede P: Foundations of Morphodynamics in Osteopathy: An Integrative Approach to Cranium, Nervous System, and Emotions. Handspring, 2017.
Liem T. Tsolodimos C: Das Osteopathische Selbsthilfebuch, Trias, 2021 (5 months Amazon Bestseller)

As well as three books about pediatric osteopathy 2023 his new book Psychosomatic Osteopathy will be published by Elsevier.
The new book Psychosomatic Osteopathy will out 2022.