Τάσος Μανέττας - Epimofosis
Lifelong Learning Centre registered by
αποτελέσματα βρέθηκαν
Tassos Manettas

Tasos Manettas

Tassos Manettas has been a physiotherapist since 2003.
He is the clinical expert of oncology and hematology physiotherapy at the University Hospital of Zurich in Switzerland.
He completed his postgraduate studies at the University of Krems in Austria in the field of neurological rehabilitation research.
Since February 2020, he is a PhD candidate at the University of Thessaly with the research object of rehabilitating patients with hematological malignancies after heterologous stem cell transplantation.
He was certified as a therapist for oncology patients at the Pori Institute in Denver (CO) in the United States.
He is a member of the organization oncoreha.ch in the framework of which he participates in the organization of interdisciplinary seminars in the field of oncological rehabilitation.
His special interests concern the restoration of the effects of the toxicity of chemotherapy in oncology patients and in clinimetrics.